A Reggio Inspired Program for young children.

Tinkertime Preschool is a play-based preschool located in beautiful Post Falls Idaho. We are Reggio inspired and strongly believe that children learn best when they are actively engaged with their environment. We cultivate children’s ability to wonder, to explore, and to discover through our thoughtfully designed space and curated centers.

Age Range


Our classroom is a mixed age range of children ages 3 years to 5 years old.

Teacher Child Ratio

teacher child ratio

We have a teacher to child ratio of 1:6.

Parents As Partners

parents as partners

The strength of our school lies in the relationships that we build; and further, in the sense of community that we create, both within our school environment and without. Parents play an integral role in every aspect of our school community. Parents are viewed as equal partners, working in tandem with teachers towards a common goal. We have many opportunities for parent participation!

Preschool Tuition & Hours


10:00 – 2:00
$700 a month

10:00 – 1:00
$425 a month

Non-refundable enrollment fee $150 is due with application. Check will be cashed only upon acceptance to the school.

Our program begins in September and ends in June. We accept applications throughout the year.

Frequently asked questions?

What are the ages?
Tinkertime is for ages 3 years old to 5 years old.

Does my child need to be potty trained?
No; children do not need to be potty trained. We strongly believe that all children meet milestones at their own pace.

Do we follow a curriculum?
Yes, we balance both an emergent curriculum and guided play-based curriculum.

How does an emergent curriculum work?
We document the children’s play. Based on our findings, we learn what interests the children, which in turn drives our instruction.

What is “Reggio”?
Reggio Emilia is a small city in Italy. As a small city, they highly value working together as a community. Teachers and children are viewed as co-learners. Reggio philosophy has inspired and encouraged collaborative learning styles.